Monday, May 7, 2012

Stories to Watch: May 7-14

Some stories to watch this week.

1. Liberals cut OHIP Costs, freeze Doctors salaries: There are going to be changes to at least 37 OHIP fees before the end of this year.  Services affected include: Cardiology, Cataract surgery   The fee adjustment is expected to save the government millions.  I consider this ongoing because the fight over wage freeze isn't over.

2. Come On Over, the Water's Fine: Rumours are going around that Dalton McGuinty, and his government would welcome any member of the opposition should they decide to cross the floor.  Why not just call the by-election for Whitmer's seat and do it the legitimate  way?

3. Latest Ornge Developments: Former CEO Dr. Chris Mazza has said through his lawyer that he is too ill to testify at the ongoing hearings into the matter.  Reports this past weekend in the Star place Mazza in a rehab facility.  They are looking at rescheduling his appearance for sometime in June.

4. Federal Liberal Leadership: It's not for at least another 9-11 months but names being bandied about include Martha Hall-Findlay, Bob Rae, and Justin Trudeau.  How about someone fresh, and dynamic without any ties to any past Liberal leaders.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again; get some good fundamental policies, and anybody can lead the party.

Local News:

1. Public Input Sessions are being held Tuesday May 8 to discuss what will happen to the Scott, and Wilmont area parks.  Sessions begin at 6pm at the Milton Sports Centre located at the corner of Derry and Santa Maria Blvd.


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